Defining a destination: Establishing Slovenia as a leading European holiday destination

Le dossier

We’ve worked with Slovenia Tourism since 2014, defining the Slovenia tourism brand and working with world-class media to establish a reputation as one of Europe’s leading outdoor adventure destinations.

Notre solution

Devise a comprehensive destination strategy encompassing 12-month press office services, creative campaigns, influencer engagement and content creation, as well as engaging with business and trade press and managing events at the World Travel Market.

Ce qu'ils ont dit

“AM+A continue to play a vital role in establishing Slovenia as one of Europe’s leaders in sustainable tourism. They have helped us achieve a 43% rise in visitor numbers, while prioritising sustainable travel experiences.”
Mladen Ljubisic - Head of Slovenian Tourist Board for UK & Ireland

Les résultats

- 97.3 million total audience reach (2017)

- 316,183 average reach per article (2017)

- 43% increase in UK visitors year-on-year (2016-18)

- 12,000% estimated return on investment (2016-18)

Compétences et services fournis

Représentation de la destination

Services du bureau de presse

Campagnes créatives

Gestion des voyages de presse

Engagement des influenceurs

Création de contenu

Relations publiques commerciales

Gestion des événements

Travaux récents