Global comms and marketing support for Château Purcari’s Freedom Blend

Le dossier

AM+A were contracted to help raise awareness of Château Purcari’s ‘Freedom Blend’ and its Ukrainian support-initiative through international press office and partnerships with world-renowned wine influencers.

Notre solution

Press office and media engagement - maximise international press coverage for the release of ‘Freedom Blend’, its international expansion and other releases through traditional press pitching, content creation and media engagement in key markets across Europe

Press trip programme - identifying key target media for press trips - supporting the client with press trip organisation, database management, invite creation 

Influencer activation - working with international wine and spirits Instagram influencers to act as brand ambassadors and raise awareness for the Ukraine initiative

Sample management - sending complimentary samples of Freedom Blend to leading writers and journalists in Germany and UK for lead generation

Ce qu'ils ont dit

Les résultats

2,436,966+ total readership of coverage generated since June  2022

15 pieces of coverage in key countries and leading international outlets; Falstaff, Decanter, RetailTimes, Drinks International, Just Drinks

463k+ total audience of paid influencers that partnered with Château Purcari for its ‘Freedom Blend' campaign 

73k+ total audience of influencers covering the client after receiving complementary bottles

Compétences et services fournis

Engagement des influenceurs

Partenariats et collaborations

Services du bureau de presse

Création de contenu

Création de la stratégie

Rédaction de textes

Rapports et analyses

Travaux récents