Nouvelles des clients
19 juillet 2018

AM+A a été désigné pour mener une campagne de 24 mois visant à promouvoir le Wales Coast Path.

Leading independent travel and lifestyle agency AM+A Marketing and Media Relations has been appointed to run a 24-month PR and digital marketing campaign to promote the Wales Coast Path. The 870 mile stretch of land which runs along the Welsh coast line aims to position itself as an iconic global hiking trail that is matched with the Camino Way and Inca Trails. 

The AM+A team beat three other agencies to the post and intends to use a mix of digital and traditional PR tactics that will include an advertising strategy, along with overseeing the marketing for a series of May 2019 events. 

Senior Director Frank Marr said “This is a wonderful opportunity for our agency to push new boundaries within the industry for an integrated digital marketing and PR campaign. Our mission is to make the Wales Coast Path an iconic hiking trail that easily competes with world leaders such as the Inca Trail and Camino Way. We hope our work will boost local economies along Britain’s most iconic coastline, whilst attempting to make the Wales Coast Path a hiking trail worthy of everyone’s bucket list. We look forward to working with Wales’ outstanding creative industry.”

Sioned Humphreys, Marketing Officer Wales Coast Path “We look forward to working with AM+A Ltd, Marketing + Media Relations to raise the profile of the Wales Coast Path. Frank and his team have experience of successfully promoting other fantastic walking trails and destinations across the World and we look forward to working with them for the next two years.”

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