L'intérieur d'AM+A
20 mars 2020

Productivité et positivité : Conseils pour le travail à domicile.

In keeping with government advice, AM+A have joined numerous organisations in the decision to swap the London office for our homes in an effort to beat coronavirus. From Coventry to Cardiff, we have been digitally connecting from across the UK to achieve great results for our clients and make the most out of this unusual situation. Here are the team’s top six tips for staying off the sofa and keeping marketing minds sharp!


1. Head out for a few hours of fresh air
There’s nothing worse than rolling out of bed and immediately setting yourself up at your kitchen table for a day of hard graft. Take the time for a quick stroll or cycle and get some fresh air in you to wake you up before opening up that laptop. Better yet, do it again at lunch. It’ll help remind you that there’s a whole world out there and give you a much-needed break from the screen. 


2. Tick it off: Create a daily checklist of tasks first thing 

Don’t just dive right into your inbox. Start your day by making a checklist of your most important tasks, even if that list is likely to change once you’ve read through your emails - you’ll feel motivated by the structure and nothing feels better than ticking off a completed task. Consider doing the same thing again after lunch to avoid the dreaded afternoon lag. 


3. Be proactive and pick-up the phone 

Sitting on your own for hours at a time has the potential to play havoc with your motivation. Rather than relying on email, make sure to pick up the phone and get productive conversations going. There’s a good chance you’ll be able to bounce off other people’s energy and get more done in a shorter time than clicking refresh and waiting on your latest e-responses.


4. Shake it off: Get up and stretch every hour

Humans are not meant to sit hunched over a screen for hours on end. Give your spine a break and get up every hour or so to get yourself a drink or do a few laps of the lounge. Are you a practicing yogi? Why not fit in a couple of downward facing dogs during your lunch break - you’ll work out the muscles you’ve been neglecting all morning and give yourself a renewed sense of purpose for the afternoon shift. 


5. Get online: Create a virtual team hub  

Whether it’s daily video conference calls or online messaging, bring the team together using the power of the internet. There are a number of online tools that can connect you with your colleagues wherever you are based in Coventry or Cardiff. For video conference calls try Skype or Google Hangouts, to create message boards for the team or specific projects Slack can be downloaded in an instant. In these challenging times it's more important than ever to check in on your colleagues to stay connected and combat loneliness.


6. Pimp your home workspace 

Add some fresh flowers, position yourself near a window / natural light, light a candle, dig out your favourite mug and whack the kettle on to fill your space with positivity. Nothing deafens like the sound of silence, whether that’s the radio, a productivity site such as coffitvity.com or your very own dedicated motivational Spotify playlist (check out the exclusive AM+A playlist here). When you’re in the office, you're somewhat limited by your colleagues' preferences, but when you’re home alone you can play whatever you like, as loud as you like and HR can’t do a thing about it!





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